What is Mindfulness?

It seems as if the practice of mindfulness is getting harder and harder these days with technology always at our fingertips. We are surrounded by distractions. But being mindful has a host of benefits on happiness and stress levels.

So, what does it mean to be mindful?

It is a lot like it sounds. It is the act of being present in the moment. It is about not letting your mind wander and instead really being engaged and active in the physical moment you are in. It simplifies life.

“Wherever you go, there you are.”

Being mindful is a state of mind. And, while it takes some work and practice to achieve regularly, it is an extremely helpful tool in therapy and life.
Mindfulness is about being aware of what is going on around you, how you feel, your emotions, your thoughts, your bodily sensations. It is about calmly acknowledging yourself as you are in the moment. It might sound pointless, or silly. You might be thinking — “of course I am mindful, I am in my mind.” But are you?

It is so easy to let your mind wander. Have you ever driven somewhere and don’t remember the drive? Have you ever taken a walk or read a sentence and don’t remember it? That’s because these are things we do every day, they are second nature, and during these moments we aren’t thinking about what we are doing — we are thinking about other things.

Mindfulness is a basic human ability to be present. It is the act of bringing ourselves back to earth, back to where we are. It allows us to simply be there, rather than thinking about where we could be or what could go wrong.

And the best thing about being mindful is — anyone can do it. We are all capable of being mindful.
The psychologists at Wellness Psychological Services are uniquely and expertly specialized in helping you learn understand and apply mindfulness skills to help enhance your well-being. We welcome the chance to discuss an individualized plan to meet your needs. Contact us for an appointment anytime. ​

205 S. Hoover Blvd. Ste 202
Tampa, FL 33609

(813) 563-1155

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